aint no f*cking way
It's crazy how so many people main Mortis, but don't 3v3n know how to use him, the enemy had 2 freaking throwers and he got 0 damage.
Trowing games in trophy matches should be punishable, but if they add a report option people would abuse it, what solutions can you propose?
6 new Hypercharge ideas!
First time using the “look for a team” feature, here are the results
Have you ever seen this skin in-game?
The Angels Vs Demons Event was the only good temporary event
A tip for randoms and kids : don’t play your favorite brawler everywhere
I think my dad hates my hair.
A total Stu Guide with almost everything I could think of.
this makes me kinda sad
That’s wrong with them?
This scene really nailed the essence of not getting over but finally being at peace with your pain and trauma….
i love how forgotten this brawler already is
Why do people hate meeple so much ?
People of brawl reddit, what are the skin you guys want to get?
Holy fruit cake, the enemy cordelius kidnapped me instead is staying in the zone and we won
My little cousin made me de-rank.
I got 112 hours on my main character during 202r
What has been confirmed for the 1.4.5 update?
What did you find in the free star drop?
Bo and Meg hypercharges were leaked in brawl talk, shade in the game files, Lola in the game files, and Chester and Mr.P in the new video.Look closely
What is a skin that you own that burns your eyes?