What tv show do people swear is amazing but you can’t stand?
Slightly Disappointed
tooth staining
What’s the one food that gets suck in your braces that gives you the ick?
I need help.
I need help!
After 2 years and 9 months, they're finally off.
[POEM] Der Erlkönig - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1782)
Born Before 1996? According to Scientists, Leaded Gas May Have Permanently Altered Your Personality
AITA for refusing to share my dinner with 2 children?
Best invention ever!
Any tips for flossing with double threaded wires? My gums are starting to swell up.
MAGA patriot meltdown
Kid Rock threatens to leave America, If Kamala Harris is elected President.
VFW meeting out of control
Smoked cream cheese failure
Anyone else hate Joe Kent (cathlamet resident in our district)
Boomer thinks veterans need to look old apparently.
Arrest. Every. Single. One.... This next election should should serve as a stamp. Anyone who votes for Trump should be arrested.
What "early internet" website did Gen Z really miss out on?
AITA for complaining about the signs at my daughter’s preschool
Oh Boy He's at it Again
Do y’all even fuck with hot smoked corned beef grilled cheese?
LG Sidekick WD100CW
Also für mich ist es Spinnen-Mann Eis