If you check my profile in an argument, you already lost.
My most awaited SEZA
With ULTRA Perfect Cell's reveal happening in less than 24 hours, what do y'all think about all the current Perfect Cells so far?
GT SSJs share a single EZB
What do you think are going to be Ultra Cell main features?
Cell ultra ability
PHY GT SSJ Goku EZA and INT GT SSJ Vegeta EZA details
Ultra Cell idea
Am i missing something?
Best build for daddies- uh. *cough.* *cough.* The EZA 4’s?
With SDBH officially over, they should give these guys 230%/250% leader skills for their EZA
Hold on, I just realised TEQ Godku can now have 87% DR
I keep pulling this dude,is he any good?
Mael Ult & Mark of retribution debuff are bugged
Look who loves UMV now 😘
Should I restart
Here me out what if the new teaser isn’t perfect cell but actually Ultra Super Vegeta and this teaser would be like the opening ink of Ultra Rathan with Cell killing Android 16
Since their EZA’S are out. Who should I coin
970 red coins, who should I pick up?
This dude dodge me for 6 years! Which unit can't appear in your summons?
Do Gogeta’s Counter bypass status effects I thought he got stunned 😭😭😭
Chat , am i cooked
Ts didn't pmo me off
Ion think this game’s what it seems like
I think this might be a contender for the worst equip of all time 😭