What would you say if you were Johnny?
Geralt Versus Imlerith Full Cutscene Boss Battle: Short Edit with Captions
Just Finished My First Playthrough!
Anyone for a round of gwent?
This Chest is Haunting me
Jenny O' The Woods
Ever seen a more satisfying multi-kill? #chubb
The map of the Witcher world, done by Kartografie Praha
Does anyone know how to get this sword colour or is it a mod
Ciri, the witcheress who fought humans | by Alexineskiba
Blackbough Blacksmith
Creepy Gaunter O'Dimm theme song
Head Bashing Armored Skellige Guard
Does not get the credit it deserves
Dubhenn haern am glandeal, morc’h am fhean aiensin
Defecating to the sunrise 🤣🌞
Why won't he play Gwent with me???
What’s the best looking gear set (or combination of gears)?
One of my favorite wholesome moments
I realised I never seen this old woman after the quest again…here’s why.
How to Enjoy?
Oliver cat always wants to help
I did that quest 2 days ago......
Who ya gonna call? Ghost Huntin’ Geralt!