What incident in your life made you do a 180 degree of your lifestyle?
FIIs have already sold close to 50% of equity value which they sold in the entire 2024 in just 2 months of 2025 🤡🤡💀💀
which year destroyed your mental health most?
Exam registration not showing
dad cant accept that his daughter is not 8 anymore
Small role, huge impact? I'll start:
Something's in the water for sure
Forget zodiac sign, What's your favourite Historytv 18 Show?
Anyone know howI can get free things from political parties
Didi naraaz hogyi
HP laptop for McAfee antivirus software
Which one should i go for
Aravali vs satyug
These additional charges are getting out of hand, why should I pay 350 extra for a 35k phone
pls help a depressed fellow
Admit Card
Is there a news?
just wasted a rose
That's how I celebrated Diwali this year
Why I cannot short Mamaearth?
upload ur screenshot . Sharing is caring . Todays lossP0rn .
Drop your wallpapers 👇
For the people who are buying samsung phones in the upcoming sales...