What do i do?
I have to take a couple months off work and she is delighted with my new schedule.
Setting up Meatball's hospital tank.
Pros and cons of owning a lovebird?
My litter box jade
Some silly loach questions
Here we debate the ethics and use of meth blue in aquariums, on tiktok they just drink it themselves...
My little cory needed a surrogate family
Meatball says thanks for the help!
How often do you guys water change?
Possible help??
Urgent advice needed
What's the best way to move a rope fish?
Is this normal?
I think my old girl Meatball is starting to show signs of decline
I'm a first timer with press board stands.
Are bladder snails safe to have in a goldfish tank?
Thanks for all the well wishes, she did fantastic at the vet😊
Tell me your good vet stories <3
I am sad now that I know how they get the ropefish
Show me you guys goldfish setups. Need inspo for two new ones just got
Those who have a lot of fish, do you name them all?
Can anyone recommend an actually coarse prefilter sponge?
Panda loaches have NO business being this cute
URGENT: Very odd fat deposits on two of my dojo loaches.