Why have you stopped playing PvP?
Skill Capped UI
Swiftplay games are the least toxic ever, it's amazing
We can all agree that Leeroy Jenkins is the most famous single player in WoW’s history. Who’s #2?
[Megathread] Referral Code Sharing and Closed Beta Code Giveaways
Tha baazar beta key
Why does this happen when I want to create a custom game?
It’s only $40??? LETS GO
Can someone explain to my friend how he is wrong in the nicest way possible…
Has anyone been able to play this on Windows 7?
Does spell batching still exist in curren wow?
Mes: "If a Riot dev saw shuffle queue times they would laugh"
Ryze gives dating advice
Riot's MMO project will fail if their prestige decreaes more
Everyone knows the Blue and the Red Ryze, but how many of you know about the Green Ryze a.k.a Shrek Ryze Build?
Asking a one trick Ryze Main who escaped Emerald
Is there a way to ban Duelists from Revival game mode?
Did Jason Thor Hall a.k.a. PirateSoftware ever worked at the US Department of Energy, and if yes how long?
For anyone that wants to try the forbidden ryze build.
If you can make this jump, you have the potential to be a speedrunner. I do not have that potential even after 1 hours of trying
Lost a 1v1 and learned a harsh lesson...
I am the best Plunderstorm player in the world, AMA!
Nearing the end of my grind with many 1st place wins, created a PlunderStorm Ability TierList to help others win some
Is there still no way to check my Plunderstorm wins/losses, or other people's stats?