2024 was officially the worst year of my life, but I'm still here. 49 with the sun on my face on the shores of Lake Huron.
do you like girls that you can throw around easily?
Looking to find a professional photographer
Ist es für euch in Ordnung, wenn ihr die PIN vom Partner habt und das Handy jederzeit kontrolliert? Ist das heutzutage der Vertrauensbeweis oder eigentlich ein Kontrollzwang?
Hat die Erfindung des Smartphones das Leben verbessert oder kann es weg?
Men who date a girl slightly older than you, how was it like?
When you try to stay a natural woman :)
Is it normal for a guy to only pleasure me?(25f)
What does this mean?
Wieviel Zeit verbringt Ihr mit Social Media am Tag und meint Ihr es hätte Nachteile, wenn man sich von allen Plattformen (außer Reddit) fern halten würde?
Show me your black-nosed tuxies! (Bonus for goatees too)
43 and Feeling Great Today
One word to describe love?
An die Männer: Welche typisch als männlich angesehene Eigenschaft ist dir vollkommen egal?
I want to know what men think about women in their late 20s who have never kissed or had sex before.
So is bad that I feel like a teenager at 19?
is it enough to cook my boyfriends favorite meal in a thong for his bday present?
Men that left their long term girlfriend how’d you do it?
Single people, how did you accept the idea that you may possibly never find a long-lasting relationship?
Is it Montag again? Well... Kann los gehen.
Good Morning in the morning. Its 5am in Germany. Time to work again…
I’m starting my life late and it scares me.
How would you live your life if you knew you'd be guaranteed to get a free $4k/month, every month for the rest of your life?
Anyone with a long commute. How do you manage to make it work along with fitness/working out?
What’s your “attainable” dream car?