What causes the ozone layer to deplete
Band name where everyone suffers from social anxiety
What food did you eat for years but no longer like how it tastes?
Name for a band that looks like The Beatles but sounds like Metallica
A band name made up of famous baseball players ?
What’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to you during sex?
Name for a band who all volunteer for Meals on Wheels, but only deliver Indian food.
Name a band where each member made a one hit wonder back in the day and they’re all working together to make more hits but they keep failing spectacularly
Band name made up of dyslexic intergalactic refugees
What is the cost of eggs?
What should Trump and Musk's ship name be?
Name for a Mariachi Band who Follow ER Patients to and from the Operating Room
Band name for a permanent boner
What is something that instantly triggers you?
Name for a group of coffee lovers who secretly drink decaf.
Name for a band of inept magicians
Name for a band that only does sound checks
Name for a group of musicians who can only perform in construction zones.
Name for a band that performs exclusively for children and the elderly
A band name composed of your fav sub reddit
Which fictional character do you wish existed in real life?
Band name for the common redditor
Band name for five guys who can't come up with a band name
What is a perfectly normal name that you just don't like?
What are things that hurt like a bitch?