Jimmy Carter turns 100 in 69 days. If Jimmy Carter lives until Inauguration Day and Kamala Harris is elected president, this will be the first time in US history that 6 former US Presidents were living concurrently.
Youtu*ers we've lost this year (Heil Spez)
NFTs Sellers Be Like
TIL Birds are able to see and use the Earth's Magnetic field to migrate due to a protein in their eyes called CRY4. To them the Earth's Magnetic field appears to be a bright haze in the sky in the direction of North or South. Their brain even produces this protein during the migration season.
Do Germans really count starting with the thumb? I (an American) find this very uncomfortable
TikTok is already back in the USA
It isn't even 10:30 here on the east coast...
The Great Flat Design Shift (2013)
[oc] A friend made this video and showed it to me thinking it was hilarious
You should Intern at a National Laboratory in Summer '25.
What is with CS guys and not liking math?
Poor Saudi neighborhood
Why are engineers mad about outsourcing?
Yeah, i really wonder why men don't try anything anymore...
Population density map of this log
Does your company have free food at the office? If so, which company
Should I include a certain research experience on my rēsume, if I just started the position?
Everyone around me got a job
Who do you think had/or will have a greater impact on the 2020s?
I genuinely don’t understand the point of this sub anymore.
President Obama forgets to salute Marine. Turns around, jogs back, and shakes his hand.
Who has Donald Trump appointed to a cabinet position who is not already a millionaire?
Taiwan’s Outlying Island Territories
A man designs an AI-controlled nail gun that uses voice commands to shoot at objects of specific colors.