Looking for this Shirt!!
I Need a New Nickname
Question About the Origins of “The Karen” and “The Chad”
Name regret - Adrian
wth, am I crazy? people don’t take notes in lecture??
My mom donated this shirt when I was in college and I can't find it anywhere online. Let me know where I can find it!!
Ashley Mews
good showers?
Chew with your mouth closed.
You guys ever feel like you both have lots of friends and very few friends at the same time? 🐙🐙
Why Do We Extrovert With Introverts?
Is bruegger’s bagels good
jacob fucking jones
I cannot stand listening to Siberian Breaks
Favorite Line?
Aj’s character is so ahead of its time
ENFP philosophers?
Grand Divisions of the USA 4.0
Do you guys feel the obligation to “be someone” for your friends and family?
Kant philosophy
Are Raskolnikov and Porfiry more similar than they are usually made out to be?
Daily Discussion Thread - August 19, 2021