Name for a band that looks like The Beatles but sounds like Metallica
A band name made up of famous olympic gold medal winners ?
Did they magically grow hair overnight💀
(Sorry for the delay!) It's a Mad, Mad, Mad House wins "Best Episode". What the WORST episode? Most upvoted comment wins!
Band name where everyone suffers from social anxiety
Group Therapy Names
Name for a band who all volunteer for Meals on Wheels, but only deliver Indian food.
I'm sorry, but I kinda want the couples to be:
A band name made up of famous baseball players ?
I take thee, Rachel.
Band name for a group of early game fantasy RPG monsters
GF is not a Friends fan - oh well :)
I wish I was an attractive girl
The name of a band comprised of best actor nominees who don’t win the Academy Award.
Band name for a ghost who can’t stop wanking?
I wish I had Phoebe’s flirting skills and her sassy confidence!!!! 😭🙌🏻
Name for a rock band inspired by folktales and urban legends, but their name must include a location
A band name made up of sweet and sour dishes ?
Bands named for terrible *fictional* subreddit ideas. I'll start: r/ratemyfingerprint
Phoebe and the stalker (S3 E3)
Rematches season episode 3
Favorite Chandler season?
Friends backpack