What do british criminals drink?
All these bans and I'm just thinking
comp 202 grading is absurd
Are people still raiding in Dragon Flight?
What the f*** is this on my tortilla
Uni tier list according to my Asian parents
Will I regret not going to prom?
I am still annoyed at this "rework"
Canadian uni tier list tier list
Cool Imperius Play
I just died at turn 3 against combo Rogue
Multiple choice is bs. WDYM no partial marks. (Yes I just bombed a multiple choice exam.)
New Card Revealed - Alara’shi
This childish boycott will do nothing. The only victory is not to play.
Math 141 Midterm
Can the midterm weight be shifted to the final exam without a good reason?
Do you really think Riot's letting you play for free out of the goodness of their heart?
(Ancient clip) Bye, have a great time!
One of my first games played since 2016 and I run into this.
Once we leave the game, only the whales will stay. Let them play with their 2 other friends.
I don’t even want the MMO
Does anyone have any past midterms I can get for math 141 to practice off of?
Quick reminder: if you haven't already, now's a good time to beat Ashes of Outlands - Challenges Mode