Are Tesla's range estimates inflated, or are they just a product of calculations?
Model 3 RWD LFP in Texas
Just bought a Model 3! Question on highway range
Yes, I do think I need at least 400+ miles of range in my EV (but not necessarily just for driving)
High range efficiency (Wh/mi) after supercharging
Saw this parked next to me
Hummer EV’s are very rare on roads
Trash everywhere near superchargers
Hummer EV’s are rare on roads
100% -> 18% on 120 mile trip?
Has anybody able to use 40%off on Amazon
Well... it finally happened while parked in Oakland :(
Blue is the best color IMHO
My team’s capstone project
Charging fees
When you try to hire cheapest guy
This thing is strong
Thoughts? Glovebox should not require PIN if already entered
Who has the worst efficiency and driving habits? I’ll go first at 407 lifetime.
Commencement tickets
Having this message pop up the first time
Power budget for RC car
Car loses 8% a day just preconditioning?
Only 150 miles of projected range