U22 Neos
Very happy! First Camo paint job.
Went ahead and picked up the Romeo 2
First painted pistol
The Dessert Shotgun
The long guns
My new invention
Needing a red dot. Which brand would y’all consider, that’s on the more affordable side?
1000 Rds since a cleaning
The S&W 350
I've thought about getting a double action revolver but I'm not sure if I'm convinced...
Whats the sweet spot barrel length for a “duty” revolver?
PSA: The TSA will throw away your snap caps
Gunslinger wannabe
Hex Mosin sbr “obrez”
A few thousand wadcutter rds later
Grip suggestions for my first vintage Smith?
I'm a sucker for mailboxes.
Daniel Defense h9 today carry.
WGW- Space Cowboy edition
Why The Gun Store Hates You: A Look At Selling To Shops
What grip options are there for this?