New Sesa skin
New Valarqvin skin
New 5-star Specialist: Wulfenite
New S.H.Figuarts Ultraman Cosmos Luna Mode
Rabbit of Caerbannog Chapter 2 “We Were RABBITs!” CN PV
New Dur-nar skin
New 5-star Sniper: Brigid
New banner: Returned From A Pyre
When Elegies Are Ashes PV
New Kal'tsit Happy Shake Q Version by APEX-TOYS
Raffaello official wallpaper
Paradiso of Shackled Light PV
CN Standard Banner #153
New FuRyu Amiya Newsgirl VER. noodle stopper
Chi An, Scylla, and Bartolomeo Colleoni skin chibi animations
Raffaello skin chibi animations
Here A People Sows rerun official artwork
Bartolomeo Colleoni chibi animations
Giosuè Carducci chibi animations
New battleship: Andrea Doria META
Maggiore Baracca chibi animations
Battleship Raffaello chibi animations
See You Soon EPOQUE skin promotional artwork
Dev News #50
New Wanqing skin