Back in the helicopter
What would you add to my arsenal?
New to WoW- when did you get hooked?
What’s your clever name+title combo?
Santa may have left his whole sack this year!
u/Dat_secret_santa_guy! I said just 1 or 2 kits would be good for me!
Santa just arrived with backup thank you u/AnaheimRep37945
New US P-Bandai listings: Even more expansion packs and recolors! Pre-orders open on September 11th, 2024 at 9 PM EST.
First time top coating, how did i do? On my rg Sazabi
Topcoat: Matte or Semi-Gloss?
We need your input! How do you want us to handle New Product Announcement nights going forward? Please read within.
First shotgun !
did a thing
RG 2.0 Grandaddy
What’s your favourite RG kit?
Thank you to my Santa, whoever you are!
Color me surprised! My SS hit the mark
Having some fun while building HG Calibarn
Secret Santa news
What are some east class/specs to play for a noob?
First builds in the new house. First time having an area just for my gunplay
How does one walk out without going Into a financial crisis
My desk squad
What Gunpla that you consider as The Only "Holy Grail" for all Gunplas out there? For me is MG Sazabi Ver Ka
Finished the MGSD Freedom Gundam last night. Probably the most fun build I’ve done.