Screw Zodiac Signs, how do you cut a Sandwich?
When I Opened Limbo, I got so Many Achievements Because of a Glitch Which Made the Game Think I Created Limbo for a Split Second, so Call me MindCap I guess! XD
Screw Zodiac Signs, how do you cut your Sandwich?
He has seen unspeakable things
Did supercell forget?
GD BRACKET results so far 😮😮😮 (you will be SHOCKED!)
My part in 'Shattering Skylines', an upcoming demon level. What do you guys think?
Which one are you?
What do you guys think Finx's hypercharge will even do?
Its time to discuss the gd awards. Post your opinions here
i dont care what any of you say, I AM HYPED AS HELL FOR THIS MOVIE. I DONT CARE IF IT SUCKS, IVE WAITED 10 YEARS FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to Make one of Those Levels Where you Beat an Extreme Demon by Just Holding. Any Suggestions for the Easiest one to Make it in?
I Somehow got This and a Bunch of Other Icons About Being a Creator, but None of These are True in my Case! Do you know what Happened? My Theory is I Randomly Opened Acu and the Game Thought I Created it!
Somehow got This and a Bunch of Other Creator Icons, but none of These are True in my Case! Do you know what Happened?
Hank Hypercharge goes hard
What's the first demon that you managed to complete?
Picture this you are about to beat a top one and this I the 3 last inputs what going through your mind? (second picture unrelated)
Golden Knight’s Split Second Immunity Clutched the Game!
I'm back, I had an online session with my counsellour but she said it's not abuse :>
WDYD Here?
Did anyone get the reference lol
can you guess the level?
European Countries: Boy or Girl