Redemptor Dread worth it?
Wargear Question
New player, could use some list advice to build based on what I already have.
Quick Question
Looking for advice for my gladius task force list such as what to remove or what to add
Advise for my 2000k Ultramarines List
Double oath of moment question
Ultramarines List Review?
Help creating my Vanguard Spearhead 2k List
To lead or not to lead: Heavy Intercessors?
I need help with ideas
Hello which one of these two models should I buy: the storm speeder or the vindicator tank thanks
What is a good youtube channel for learning how to play space marines at a competitive level?
How much should i sell these guys for
Opinion on a warlgiave as allied unit? My dad is wondering
Best detachment for Guilliman?
Vs knights
Vanguard spearhead 2k
Is this good for a casual game? First 2k game tomorrow.
2000 point Vanguard Spearhead list advice.
Rule book purchase advice
Advice before first game
Partially visible units & Line of Sight -- defender vs attacker logic.
Rules question - apothecary
Best unit choice with new meta