math gon kill me bro
How do I cure an oral fixation?
Can someone teach me what a woman is?
Atleast developer is honest
Some transphobic kid
Is it that hard to just be nice? Like come on stop being a hater💔
11:29:31 PM MAKE A WISH
girls do you do this too
What do you wish someone would do for you?
I don’t like yall
i had a nightmare about women actually giving me attention
Who are the s tier people on r/teenagers?
the urge to run into traffic when i see a girl on the other side of the road
Where are the trans femboys 😡😡
Would you debate him on it?
Help, my penis is stuck in my girlfriend's butt.
rating school/work confessions out of 10
mAn vIcIousLY aTtAcKEd bY jAgUaR
Guys are just like really pretty ngl
why wont anybody match my freak yall 😔
Is it just me that wants to experience what it’s like to be a boy?
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