Menhirs done except for bases
What does a Necron need to know when facing an Ork player?
Menhirs WIP
App has been updated with the Balance changes
How do I see the data card?
Help my army is (mainy) stuck in 3rd edition ! What should I add for variety ?
What makes the Nightlords so likeable?!!
Line of sight and the king
Do we have any anti infantry or is it a case of just playing strength against toughness?
Wraiths vs skorpekhs dmg
So EC get 8 kits at launch, DG get a new character, WE is probably getting something new too. What new unit(s) do you expect for the TS ?
Looking for suggestions
Lord Kakophonist alternative weapon
First Imperial Fist, without using contrast paint
Here’s what I have so far! What should I get next?
Silent King
Question about The Silent King rules
How good is the hexmark destroyer right now?
What shade should I use?
Primer in winter
Whats better? 1 DDA or 3 LHD?
Terminators and their Khopesh
My list
Partially visible units & Line of Sight -- defender vs attacker logic.
How do I achieve this metallic brown? Which citadel paints?