How long you believe before facebook dies out? It's not doing well anymore for a social media platform.
Anyone else really miss the early 2010’s?
Are we basically entering a no fun era?
Pick 1 Ramones album for each of their decades (70s, 80s, 90s)
DAE feel the mental health of this country is going down the tubes?
R.E.M.’s Best Songs By Album: Out of Time
Twitter thread where Shane confirms all the rumors
Do yall remember "Kony 2012"??
Does anyone actually use twitter ?
Do You Think The 2010s Will Get The Same Positive Nostalgia As the 2000s Are Now Getting?
Facebook is making all profiles auto-follow Trump’s account with force
Deactivated anything Meta and X this morning after being on them since early
Had there ever been a criticism against “rich kids in Rock” before the Strokes?
It’s feels like we are in a watershed moment for social media.
Something you should know about Rednote.
Be honest: did you grow up rich?
Was Mac Miller a big-time musician before his death in 2018 or did he only become huge after the fact?
Scrolled through 35 posts from pages I don’t follow until I reached a page I follow.
TIL Matisyahu's song "One Day" was written by Bruno Mars before he was signed. He asked him after learning Bruno had also written "Wavin' flag" for K'naan
The Facebook you once knew is dead. It is now full of bots and fascists.
Any reason ever given for the different quality of his voice on Nashville Skyline?
I honestly think Mark Zuckerberg is ruining Facebook on purpose.