Burger King charging $3 a person?
Am I overreacting? thinking this means my wife slept with the guy
Won over $600 giving back at least $60 to each 10 people
Oh no ..
$4 for the bus
Relapses are stupid
I’m so disturbed lmaoo
day 20 of removing monster can from the top comment
$100 until payday
No Tia w/ 7oh! (Update)
Someone MUST know the fix to this????
Opinions? I ended up grabbing these instead of the 7Star cuz they were $40 not $45 & Come with 2 more.
Do you think they will make 7 oh illegal?
Whaaaat ?? A 7-OH vape pen ?? Wtf
My housemate left the freezer a jar.
Variety is the spice of life
Is there a company I can order from today and get it tomorrow?
I did (aprox) 45MGs of 7HO and 15 of Pseudo for my second time using, the first time I just tuck around only 28mgs of 7HO and didn’t feel much of shit. and was literally floored within 20/30 minutes of taking.
New batch from the spooky scary brand.
Best deals for 100 tabs that are actually in stock right now?
Brushing Your Teeth Before Breakfast Makes No Sense
KoKomora with "a dash of pseudo".....
7-hydroxymitragynine, withdrawal, and the conspiracy to ban medicines that can replace pharmaceuticals.