Now that Alter ego is out which album did you guys like better. Rosie or Alter ego
Any Advice
Which korean words/phrases do you understand without watching the subtitles?
His touches seem very gentle, like she is the most precious and important person to him (Junseo Sian ep. 8
Minseols Masterclass on how to snag a date in inferno in 10 slides 😂
Which Kdrama blew you away with the main lead visuals?
he was down BAD 😭🙏🏽
Who is your ideal man?
Would Gwanhee or Sian have chosen each other if on same season?
I know I'm gonna get dragged for this, but….
redflags & jealousy aside , I think Sian and Jeongsu made such a stunning couple
Why is Youjin like this?
Dramas that had you hooked all the way through?
It was meant to be 🥰
Bro, im annoyed
Trump and Maple Leaf?
Junseo & Youjin
Is anyone else just wierded out by…
Any Kdramas recommendations based on my favorites?
Post show pics!!!
Is it obvious whom the ladies got along with the most?
Jeongsu and Sian
Having likable contestants really makes a difference.
Did anyone else noticed…
Our delulu Queen