Guys, my right eye hurts bad
Can we say his name?
MGS Funko's?
Guys... i am feeling numb...
This has 14 MILLION views in 12 days.
I made this in 45mins, sorry for the crap quality, was in a rush
Metal Gear Rex Pilot..
FOB/MGO3 are still available on Ps3?
Not sure if anyone cares but I tried to compile some wallpapers I found for MGS∆:SE for anyone who wants them (Computer Edition)
Best song in the game!
Sorry if it got reposted
i ask chatgpt to roast us mgs fans
huey the typa guy who tries to off himself and his daughter after finding out his son slept with his second wife.. o wait
Rainbow dash and solid snake would be best friends.
I'm concerned
Ah yes, such original and fascinating game design
Hey everyone! I have NEVER played a MGS game and want to play them
Mortadelo and Filemón (Spanish characters) as MGSV
Help with staff
Someone PLEASE help me to beat mission 42 (MGSV)
Found the white mamba