Animated tongue - controlled entirely through a vertex shader, with no bones!
Esoteric usages of Godot
Godot 3D can be death by a thousand cuts sometimes...
Why is being a European jirai actually insane
Sound design is my passion
Melty Stranger (feat. Kasane Teto)
Remade the enemy vision system! Instead of a vision cone, I went for a more flexible procedural mesh. This way I can easily control both the horizontal and vertical vision range by just moving some sliders!
Rothard Eats Eyes
Slug Void
Puzzles in Horror Games
Resident Evil 8 thoughts?
Movement system in my new project!
What are the hidden gems of Godot Add-Ons?
It's been over a month since the DLC came out, how do you feel about the final boss as a whole package?
Procedural level generation!
Teeth and doors, teeth and doors
What is Aldrich's model from?
Will save data transfer to the full release?
This is what the Shrine looks like from up here, where's Snuggly?
New enemy type - ants!
Mouse movement controlled 3d motion!
Was it easy to switch to godot?
Cable renderer I made using ImmediateMesh!