in blox fruits do you have fun making freinds or grinding or even trading
Have perm control and physical kitsune, can I get perm dragon?
Looking for a friend
What was yall's best trades ill go first. Rules: the trade has actually to go through, so dont just say like perm dragon for rocket and then the person jumping, show minimal proof so i can atleast somewhat believe it.
Omg look what I rolled
Anyone got offer?
Drop your PC/mobile wallpapers! Here’s mine. 👾
Trade Question
donating robux 😛😛
Can anyone do this?
Anyone have overpaying offer for my kit?
Why Are They Similar 🤔
Any offers
Trading these only LF overpay
Can anyone carry me in raids so I can get fragments and carry me in order raids?
Looking for offers.
Is kitsune still good after the speed nerf?
Such a special moment caught on camera ❤️ - - Katynushka
Probably a no but am I able to get a yeti for any of these? I've been trying to get one for awhile now.
I have V1 of Quake, Magma, and Dark what would I get if I offer this on a trade???
Dragonstorm mastery
si acepto una fruta permanente desde regalos se equipa automaticamente?
Cdk sg or anchor sg