Songs where the protagonist is dead/dying (bonus points if it references others' reactions)
Favorite Pantera album?
Fuck you, buddy.
When I was a young boy, my father took me into the ___________ .
What’s your favorite album of 2020?
Guess my favorite band
I feel bad for these animals
What band/artist do you listen to that almost no one knows about?
“Lick it Up” by KISS wins Worst Song from THUG1! What was the Worst Song/your least favorite song from Tony Hawk’s Underground 2?
Music that is less chill
Anyone got any idea what this is?
What’s your favorite album of 2016?
I’m gonna start listening to one album a day. Give me ideas.
What metal CDs do Ineed?
How gay and old do you rudely assume i am? Be as brutal as possible
What other albums/artists would you recommend me??
Rate my family's taste
A must have
Happy birthday to the one and only Randy Blythe what is your favorite LOG song?🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿
Name a song that makes you want to this:
What are your top 3 metallica songs
Make me the cringiest 5 song playlist of butt rock/chad metal