do i downsize?
what is this?
i keep seeing people with cardboard hides but they wouldn't last an hour with my hamster
can anyone relate?
wanted to do a trend but color theory exists
help me with a girl
Is this the correct way to write and pronounce the alphabet?
whats the brown part inside of the wheels called and where can i buy it?
i found this hoodie at a thrift store, is there any way i could change the pink to white?
help i have screen time on tiktok and fell asleep while using it
vertical labret sticking to skin
do i need to downsize?
AITAH for making my teacher cry?
zako says hi
is this safe?
i bough a lot of enrichment for my hamster and it will cover almost the whole cage, will that make him stressed?
every time my hamster digs he covers anything in the cage, is there anything i could do to stop that?
chat do i have a chance with her?😭
what’s with everyone being gay these days?
are tunnels bad for hamsters?
s i t
i found these wooden rings, can i put them in my hamster's cage?
what does it mean if a girl told everyone but me that she likes me but isnt responding my texts?
Who's this (wrong answers only)