I further simplified Chinese
Got Pi as my room key number on a buisnesstrip
quantum physics
What does Hank have against white people? Is he racist?
LMAO Axl Rose and Napoleon in my school's exam, wtfk
Yall agree?
Anither one baby
Can heat be transferred faster than the speed of light?
There is evidence to suggest dark energy may be an illusion. What happens to the component of the universe supposedly made up of dark energy?
How do I achieve this build naturally?
magnetic monopole meme
Απόλυτος κινηματογράφος
How the fuck did he survive?
Leaked Justice League images
Why doesn't Luigi just call Saul? Is he stupid?
Who would win in a fight?
Do these things and see the results yourself.
This is the kind of energy I need in my life
Should've read the historical reviews
Why was Gale’s compulsive lying never addressed?
hkl meme