Is Arkham City’s story overrated?
What game got you wanting a sequel like this?
What video game character is an army itself ?
Just finished the game (True Ending, High Affinity). Feeling empty and frankly shattered. Want to share my beloved little witch pawn. Please take Nika to your adventures: 6XFZHUTL6YT6
Now, which antagonist is mostly disliked
Who is a video game reviewer that you really trust?
When Uncharted and The Last of Us had the same bar!
Top 5 worst boss in this game
Besides Spider-Man who do you think Sam raimi could make a marvel movie for?
My DD2 Pawn Info - PC/Steam
Dragon's Dogma 2 - Pawn Hiring Post
Ask me anything and I will answer ten years later
What to do if paint has faded?
What’s your top pick?
I wish they updated the avatars more frequently, which one do you use?
What game has the most enjoyable bosses set?
Am I wrong?
Any idea how to clean the yellowing?
Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 to play first? why?
Give me your most Psychopathic memes or these 4 will Frick and jonkle you inside of that room.
Okay everyone, in preparation for tomorrow’s state of play, I am passing out FREE clown noses. Comment below to receive yours!
Since a Batman Arkham Asylum remake is rumored to be in the works, How do you want them to handle the combat and predator sequences?
What's you FromSoft version of " i didn't care for the godfather '' ?
Which Batmobile is your favorite ???