Anybody know the odds?
Anyone Else Start Playing In 2020
Skeleton underrated?
20 minutes in to my first time playing, I'm scared
Sometimes Sintranos is just a struggle
Frolni build question
How to beat Armanz in arena?
Amius hard rewards are such bullshit...
Unironically funny
Most exciting moment in raid
Telerian legion are recruiting.
Plaruim is breaking me with this Little Miss Annie guaranteed
Hydra isn’t fun
Join Telerian Legion today!!
Counter for Gnishak
Is Freyja 5* soul worth it? For context I used everything to get Freyja (the champ) and left with 1k gem with no energy or brews, but I can get 100k+ path points if I burn all my shards...
Idk about y'all, but I'm not leaving Raid anytime soon..
Progressive Chance
Plateau'd ? Not sure where to go from here...
Can you buy Marius souls from the market?
So fkin mad right now. I have to wait 2+ weeks to get this guy now
How is it even possible to get her?
What kind of snake(?) is this?
You can disable the new UI if you don't like it