This team is not even fair dawg
Who do i get? I have all the anni units
who should I get with my porunga stone? i got all the anni units btw
Do I replace Namek EZA INT Goku with GT SS3 Goku or nah?
whats your guy’s opinion on this team?
Beast is still number #2
Guys do your tickets!!!
Do i kick str fraudgeta for new goku and freiza
Best fricking anniversary ever, idc what any of yall say
Should i use my remaining stones to get ssj3 goku or save for part 2
How did your summons go
Should I get SEZA Broly for my team? If not, who else should I go for?
Should I summon 5 more times on black friday banner for cell max or keep saving for anni?
Took 3 rotations but thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone has probably already noticed this , but just wanna say that 90% DR only lasting for 1 turn so you would wanna try transform at his 2nd appearance...
How much do you have to world wide.
who should i pick with my stones?
this is crazy ass luck. drop your craziest single summons😭
PSA: Do not coin the new LR's
So, how are y'all summons going?
I can’t make this up..
Between these 4 Goalkeepers, who’s the best?
Hey guys, i’m looking for some possible upgrade’s to my team. Most of my players are untradable but the ones i can sell are Pele, Ballack, Zambrotta, VVD, Maldini, and Maignan. I also have 33 mil extra.