Guess it's time for this repost!
I think I saw that helmet somewhere...
Demolisher supremacy
The start to my Space Wolf army
Can we just appreciate the current range of models for AoS
Some extra shots of Arvus Lighter
Who else cuts out the rim/visor of their cadian helmets?
The Commissar will see you now.... WIP but really happy
How it feels atm
How do you plan to run your Steel Legion?
People with exsiting imperial gaurd armies. what is your thought on collecting the new Death Korp Mini?
AH we need a trenchcoat armor
Commissar Cain & Jurgen on the front lines!
Which type of video game you wish a Regiment would get?
Is Rogal Dorn a 40k-ified Wilhelm von Bibra?
Old school cadian
Happy New Year
We have never been more outjerked
Anyone else miss the old cadians?
Can anyone tell me where this guy is from?
What would be some units you would like to see return or be created for the Imperial Guard?
The Steel Legion stood to defend Helsreach... but failed. First game using the hivewall I built. It was fun!
They are the same tank.
Love me some guard