We need to re-normalise letting everyone off the Tube carriage before getting on
my parents could've picked anywhere to live and they chose london
My wife’s friend accidentally sent me nudes of herself.
Posted in a group about neither
please name this
What's your baseline standard cheeseburger topping?
Steak bake recall The popular bakery chain has warned that some packs of steak bakes contain sausage, bean and cheese melts, meaning some sulphites are not declared on the label.
Hint*: it ain't nothin to eff with...
Backfloors to the Gallery of Time.. in English US version
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Another Sainsbury’s in London completely ransacked while security stands helpless. It seems like security guards are too afraid to act, knowing the risks of being accused of assault if they intervene.
Make a picture based on my reddit username
Where you guys from in the zones?
I'm Japanese and have not lived in the UK for long, my friend said she will take me to Gregg's tomorrow. What things should I get?
How is it that our generation is screwed around the world.
Young men wearing hoods and masks - now everywhere in London?
What timeline are we living in? Why does literally anybody suddenly believe they can do ANY job at all? Imagine this man believing he has the ability to manage the budget/affairs of a major global city like London...
Thoughts on my shadowheart?
Proof London hates young people; £1350 p/m to live in this piece of 💩
What is the weirdest fetish one of your exes had ?
What were you doing at the age of 23?
Europeans wish the had dryers, drive throughs, water and peanut butter
Girl loses it in an airplane 😭
Thinking about moving to UK,
This security guard was waiting her entire life for that