no more interesting adventures in world adventure
How long do you make your sims lifespans ??
Alright salty babes, what to add or to remove? This is a rough draft!
Is this normal play for kittens who just met?
Do Effervescent tablets do anything useful or they're just pharma marketing bullshit?
This almost makes up for no sims 5
Is anyone else emotionally attached to a specific house in the sims 3?
How often/long do you let your cat go outside for?
What's going on with Instagram thumbnails?
EA using blatant AI generated art
France is awful for autistic people
Have you seen the shameless Brita advertising on recent Netflix shows?
New to Adobe Illustrator. Following an Envato Tuts+ Tutorial, but my lines look strange. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
What hobbies attract the most eccentric or extreme personalities?
Guess what this smells like in Minecraft terms. Best comment gets the code inside.
Christmas workers of UK, what do you do and how is your day going?
Why do my hands do this?
The leak is fake
TGG legitimately predicts a Friday 20th trailer tease, followed by a Christmas eve trailer release within the moon theory
My mum has a tea advent calendar and my cat Pickles is obsessed with it and sits on it constantly. She also tries to dig her way into the tea
Bleak, grim, gritty TV shows (or films) recommendations set in, or made, from the mid 70s to mid 80s
What's Your Perception of English Dubbing?
I found a near mint condition teddy of the same exact teddy bear I've had for over 15 years.
I’m blind AMA