All districts should be roads
[Spoilers C3E121] Yasha
Dear devs, please expand on espionage.
Civilization Unlocks Table
Day 620 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released (18 to go)
I made this diagram/map based on the info on the wiki
Something I've noticed about Independent powers
So who are you going to start with?
Geographic Comparison of starting civilizations on launch day for V, VI, and VII! (Leaders for VII too)
What leaders and civilizations are you planning for your first games?
[Spoilers C3E77] A theory on Chetney and his real motivations
What's your go-to Tier 2 government?
Civ VI rock band name generator
Thoughts on Victory Conditions
[No spoilers] how many campaigns do you think there will be in total?
[No spoilers] What voice actors would you like to see on Critical Role as guests in the future?
Civ VII Attributes Metrics
New Civ Game Guide: Abbasid
New First Look: Trưng Trắc
(Civ 6) Best Natural Wonder for a Science Victory?
I'm struggling to win science before turn 300-350... any tips?
If Modern Indonesia ever makes it into civ 7 and needs an associated wonder, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue would be a very cool choice
Southeast Asian Civs and Leaders Wishlist for CIV VII
25 Minutes of Civ 7 Footage and My Only Takeaway? CHICKENS
Civs based on Wonders seen