Country Birds Love a Bit of Big City Cock
You Make Me So Erect
How would the 4 boys react if they were captured by Old Gregg
Cum on me Bastard Tits
All the F’s
Mushy Stool In the Morning
Kitty don’t bite, not now she’s been fed
Under Appreciated Neil Quotes
This is good weed- I might try and get a shipment in for Glastonbury
Really? What about that netball team?
2304- Manchester United Relegated to League 2
u/LukeRiv’s comment of Will’s rant at Neil’s Dad is McKenzie’s winning quote. What is Simon Cooper’s winning quote? Most upvoted wins. If someone else has already commented the quote you wanted to comment. Just upvote theirs.
Starting a Character Quote Series for r/TheInbetweeners. Starting off with Will McKenzie, most upvotes for the most upvoted quote said by Will wins.
Who wants to know what I did in Holland during a West Ham u13 football tour? It was proper filthy I shouldn't tell.
“We’re camping by a lake near the woods.”