Is it weird that I basically never went to Manhattan growing up on Long Island?
Loaner vehicle lease
Vibes in ATC world right now?
Radio communications
Starlink/Verizon news clarification
How much studying after passing PPL written?
How to request minimal ATC services for VFR?
New York State Fair 2025
We can blame the media for this
Help, I thought I was buying a Bronica SQ-A but it turns out to be a SQ??
Thinking of Selling Home: Teenager Reactions Causing Hesitation
Do people actually like this type of content from NHL teams?
Thai Orchid in Rensselaer closed?
Why is the CFI market so bad right now?
Rocket Money any good?
When am I established on glideslope?
Job/Career Advice
If APV approaches aren’t considered precision approaches then why do they typically have lower minimums?
Did anyone else see a thing falling from the sky? [Shirley, Suffolk County]
Thoughts on acquiring PPL
Near miss at MDW misinformation.
Payment for flight training.
Landing tips?
How to get use to talking to ATC