I’m a little confused on how I should be arranging my jokers here for high score (more info in comments). Thanks in advance!
I’m looking for some advice on the Pentagon Rose (more info in comments). Thanks in advance!
This “MOVE” Breaks the Armwrestling RULES | VoiceOfArmwrestling discussion on the KM
Okay, one more from me. If any future events come close to you, you absolutely need to go! It’s nothing like watching online.
I’m at King of the Table 13 in New Jersey. It’s crazy how strong all these people are.
I’m following up from my post from yesterday. What an incredible event!
Bubble flower - two stages of blossom
Just got my first sword from Ryansword
I 3D-printed a Balatro slide rule calculator!
rgb cmyk octahedron
Requiem - Nausicaä of The Valley of The Wind
Indie game devs be like:
Celeste Steam Key Giveaway
Not a great sight
Not sure which is more impressive…
Is there a physical copy of Our Planet?
Avatar characters
Drew fem versions of some of the fellas :)
Brutal finish in the Versus Invitational yesterday. Ref was sleeping.
HELP, I'm trying to make a minecraft pixel art but the face is seems almost impossible
NL has changed my ways of thinking for the better
Was recently told I'm lying to myself if I thought the mustache looked good, and I hate to admit it got in my head. Validate me?
How is this sport not banned
I need help finding a clip