UWaterloo Computer Engineering vs Carleton Software Engineering
When an unemployed schizophrenic man meets another unemployed schizophrenic girl
why my doctor always told my mom that my recovery is miracle.
Looking for support, both my parents have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s
maybe sometimes felt like beating up my Pakinson st- father
Selfie Sunday❤️
Selfie Sunday, I got told I look schizo, do I?
First time participating Selfie Sunday!
My 17-year-old kid committed suicide after we got into a fight
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
Should I drop out now since I failed my mid terms
Seeking Clarification on Akiya Purchase
These people survived this fire in southern California tonight
Feeling hopeless about my future prospects here.
What is going on in this doctor's office?
Help Finding Akiya Owner
Seriously considering buying an akiya
How do I buy an akiya in Japan as a foreigner?
Please, is there any Akiya for sale website that has a ‘low to high’ price search function? Also, what is the leading Akiya site? Would it be best to look for Akiyas on mainstream Japanese real estate sites?
Indian military parade
Selfie Sunday! I'm completely zombified by my zyprexa right now
U of T Engineering v.s. Waterloo Engineering for ECE
Uoft comp Eng vs mac Eng with free choice vs Waterloo management engineering
UofT vs UWaterloo vs UBC for Electrical Engineering
I am worried about getting into the software engineering program.