Why is it wrong to have sex with a dead chicken?
What do u think are the short comings of your favorite political party?
If all the biggest jerks towards Humans came to life, which one would be the biggest jerk toward humans?
Wondering why we don’t build more canals??
All our thoughts are filtered through language.
When was the last time you tried something new and was it worth it?
What song never fails to make you cry?
[serious] What is some advice you would give to a 30 year old who feels really far behind in life?
What do you think the world will look like in 300 years?
What book has had the largest impact on you and why?
What’s a life lesson you learned the hard way?
What is the biggest “What If?” In your mind?
How's your January going so far?
What’s the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?
What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?
What is your favorite weird food combo that people would think is gross?
What is a job that people often dont know it exists / dont give enough credit that is actually super important?
What is your advice to get rid of pressure on ears during flights?
Whenever you think of a state, the first city you think of is never the capitol.
What’s the most typical response from a celeb when they get exposed?
What’s everyone’s personal top 5 Ye tracks? I’ll go first
What trick saves you a few seconds but it really adds up over the course of a day?
craziest crime documentaries you've seen?
How do you think our perception of reality would shift if everyone had the ability to experience another person's consciousness for a day?