AIO: this boy is trying to get with my friend who has a gf. Is this creepy or am I overreacting
Love king sized candy
What is wrong with my finger?
My wife just found this on her back
What is this on my foot?
My housemate is convinced my glasses are hers
Im delivering my own food
What product can I use to get rid of these dots on my arm?
Ah yes, we cant afford tips but we can afford ring cameras all day long
my dasher experience with miss valerie! 🥰
Blursed chocolate brand
This app pisses me off...
just got procreate about half an hour ago i need a little bit of help...
WIBTA if I refused to let my son wear the shirt his dad sent him?
AIO over being told I should use Google instead of asking him questions? Is it actually annoying to do this?
Hmm I'm a huge person soooo
Service Fee Scam
Followed a Pinterest recipe it didn’t come out spongy is this edible or did I miserably fail?
Driver admitted to delivering to wrong house and I couldn't get a refund. Officially done with these apps.
“I’m studying the art market for metal bands. What do you think?”
Customer support gave me $50 instead of 15
Should I just say thank you next time?
Help me identify this
This guy should lose his job