Not a single day goes by without me hating my skin tone
"Be at peace with things you can't change."
Being a brown girl in India is the most unfortunate event ever
Being a brown girl in India is the most unfortunate thing ever
20M need some help defining a relationship
I'm sure to get matches now, huh?
Number and Insta in wedding parties!
Was it karma?
How do I stop worrying about him?
The "I can't wait to tell him everything" feeling
What to do in this situation?(20F)Stuck in a cycle pls help out
Someone I dumped wants me back, meanwhile I got dumped by someone else
Pseudo Move on Feeling: Be careful
Things to remember while crying(Please read, everyone)
Socializing is the way.
Socializing. Socializing is the way.
Anyone feels stupid for not being able to move on?
The end of the days
How do you manage the sudden relapse/ breakdowns?
How Do I stop worrying about him?
What's your age, and what's the biggest challenge you're currently facing right now?
How do you manage the relapse or breakdowns?
How do you manage the sudden relapse/breakdowns?