What are your favorite “weirdo pick” PS2 games?
Possibly dumb newbie question about my bow
Got my first pair of custom shoes.
Simple Questions - December 06, 2024
Megalopolis Big Show Question
Was the multiplex cinema as a concept unsustainable since the 2010s?
The best worst game on Steam
Can someone explain Scott Pilgrim to me?
What is your favorite film to come out in 2023?
Microsoft did a lot right for the Series X and Series S
Which company has had the better last few years Capcom VS Square Enix?
If they add that DRM to monster hunter please DO NOT play the games, it is to believe that it's a malware.
Playing with friends in BG3 rant
Was 2023 the anti-2007?
Any censorship mods?
Not Replaying Games/Playing NG+
What gaming controversies or complaints did you find funny or weird?
Which games from 20+ years ago can you always come back to without being disappointed?
What is a hill that you will die on? For me, it’s that rooting for a conference is absolutely cringe.
Which games you think that their hardest difficulty brings more to the game and is the intended way to play?
Spoiler question about Astarion
What video game franchise is a one-trick pony?
What's a game accomplishment you completed that you never wanna go back to ?
So with the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC & Idris Elba’s great performance in it, I want to ask: What are the best celebrity performances in video games?