The Blackpill can easily be debunked by going outside
I'm an incel but not like an "incel" and I'm tired of it.
Female physicians in the U.S. are 53% more likely to die by suicide than other females. Male physicians, however, have a lower suicide rate than other males.
Should the government mandate dating incels?
Why is it so hard?
Incels' theories of "chads" fell apart when you look at famous women who are straight
The Monolith Problem
CMV: Internet incels aren't really incels
Physical attractiveness outweighs intelligence in daughters’ and parents’ mate choices, even when the less attractive option is described as more intelligent.
Do accents make dating harder or more attractive?
Advice for a 38 year old incel
The quickest way to pick up women is to have an M.O.
Men in your 30’s, how “fun” is your dating life?
"You don't have sex because you're sexist" is a fallacy that they use to attack "incels" but the reality is that sexist men have sex, and they have sex a lot.
Why don't incels just become "bad boys"?
Want to start a group for young men 18-29, specifically those who identify as incels, red pill, etc. Advise needed.
For the young men: Don't date women who are JUST giving you an opportunity, date women who are interested in getting to know you
How many percentage of incels are NEETs, basement dwellers or hikikomoris in your opinion?
Why doesn't this ever happen to me?
Ladies, what’s something surprisingly attractive a guy can do ?
I Take Care of a 90 Year-Old War Veteran. Here Are His Thoughts on Incels.
if femcels and incels didn't have so unrealistically high standards in a partner maybe they could date each other and find a good relationship
The male loneliness epidemic is real and I don't know why women are taking it as a personal attack