Nobody will read this but……merry Christmas to all my fellow steam users out there
My first cluster of purchases vs my latest
Why this game so special to you? Type your reasons down below
Okay, so now the he is no longer deemed as the Mohglester, what exactly has Mohg done wrong?
Why Marks legs were cut off? [Wrong answers only]
What's Your Most Played Steam Games? (CoD WaW and Gary's Mod were actually both bought by my brother years ago when I let him use my Steam, I've never played those two) I also have a lot more, but everything under 10hrs isn't worth mentioning tbh.
So are y’all ready boys! what you buying?
What’s a game that really hit you in the feels and made you cry?
least obvious scammer
Why are people like this?
Seriously, what happens when Gabe is gone?
Which game do you all really want to play but can't?
[OFFER][STEAM] Quick under-30€ giveaway
Can someone explain this to me?
Which high-praised game(s) could you not get into?
How do you organize your Steam games?
Who is the hardest boss for beginners?
What to do after you have beat the game ?
Huh, never got this before…
Normally I first try Sword Saint Ishiin's third phase. NG++ got me fucked up. Is there a way to practise lightning deflects?
help me with this situation (am i cooked?)
People who disliked the Khaos Reigns DLC, why?
Is Sekiro your first soul game ? If so why did you choose Sekiro over the other games in the soul series ?
Games that had the biggest emotional impact on you?