90000 softporn cuck posts. not even one in the memory of Billy. this subreddit needs to be destroyed. fuck all of you.
Blue album cover supremacy
Here are some of my favorite panels from the manga. I cleaned up some of them by removing text boxes and effects.
Please help me find a song which stuck in my head for a month.
Trying to remember a power metal album
Japanese power metal songs and bands
rip forsenSpectate FeelsBadMan
hesRight @weebs
Annual gachipost
yo foreman
Woman candidate = Lose
What did Akihiko mean by this?
Looking for more keyboard/synth heavy bands
Power and Symphonic metal stained glass art made by Fortifem for the Parisian metal exhibition.
Are you happy, bajs? Are you proud of yourself?
I made this 1920x1080 wallpaper of the first album's cover, incase anybody wants to use it
The artist started new work called ( Absolute Regression )
Trump just shot monkaOMEGA
4 years ago today... Sadeg
Acoustic Power Metal songs
I'm gonna do it this weekend, wish me luck.