Looking to buy SV650 for $3k
looksmax [18 F]
What opinion croats have about Albanians ?
Great engineers, please share some of your experience with me. What software do you use most often in your career?
Me ndihmoni me procesin e zgjedhjes dhe blerjes se nje biciklete?
Biznesi juaj i pare
Cilet jane emrat qe jane me te perhapur se c'duhet ne Shqiperi? (sipas instat)
Nostradamus -opinion -2003
Makina nga Koreja
Çfare po ndodh me pakot na ECSC?
New employee vs Experienced employee
First photo released of the remains of the Titan submersible on the ocean floor 2023-06-22
Xiaomi 4 Ultra
Looking for light weight commutable scooter with decent mileage, good speed, and self healing tires.
Turn signals for Xiaomi 4 Ultra
Visiting Albania
You may want to consider a new seed phrase.
Might be a dumb question due to no real answer but we’re any people still alive in the core after the building collapsed
Oret e gjumit?
Presidenti Sali Berisha vizita te white house ne 1992 . Degjojeni deri ne fund .
What is the best way to earn money online nowadays?
Weather in November
Bluza me porosi ?
Any suggestions for a good structural engineering thesis topic? An experimental thesis.
Rrobat dhe brandet ne Shqiperi