Welcome to Polygon High. Class is in session. (Live at ETH Denver)
Julia Jewels #144 Giveaway Complete! Thanks for all the responses!
Polymarket: The first real breakthrough crypto app
RWA Are Getting Noticed On Another Level
User burns 600 ETH to send sci-fi message warning of Chinese use of brain control devices
Avatar Giveaway / Raffle!!! For Julia Jewels #144, drop a comment on your "gem" project on Polygon for an entry. For a second entry, share what you love about it! Winner selected on Friday, Feb 21
Thank you Polygon for the Meme Team🍎
Polygon CDK Performance Test: 50K TXNs in 46s, 1000+ TPS - Just the Beginning
One user, u/JimCramerOurSaviour, had a fantastic post about keeping perspective during political uncertainty. For that, we are awarding him B•E•N•O•T•A•F•R•A•I•D #127
What's your pick - Drip Squad, Meme Team, The Singularity, or Aww Friends?
Original Free Avatar (Meme Team, Drip Squad, Aww Friends, The Singularity) Giveaway!!
Pessimistic Proofs live on Agglayer mainnet!!
We have just acquired 21 RCAs from Reddit’s first free drop - An assortment of Drip Squad, Meme Team, The Singularity, and Aww Friends avatars. Stay tuned for what we do with them!
Selling Gen 1
Comment below for a chance to win!
We have regained access to the @0xPolygonEco X Account
PSA- The @0xPolygonEco account has been compromised
Updated Coneheads Community Guide
Sun-Chan #1 sells for .2 👀 are we back?
I finally did it! I completed a collection of Chipperdoodle mint condition avatars!
Trivia Giveaway #1 - Classic Foustling #353 Winner Announced!!
Trivia Giveaway #1 - Classic Foustling #353
Trivia Giveaway - Classic Foustling #353